Join Cultural Crossroads as we savor the many sights, sounds and diverse experiences of Asia. Practice traditional Thai art or volunteer your time to local communities of Thai. Learn sword-making with one of Japan's last remaining katana makers. Discover the remarkable history and rich traditions of Japan’s iconic sport with a visit to a sumo-beya. Be amazed with the treasure-trove of art that the Mughal Empire left behind beyond the architecture. These Mughal miniature paintings are not only exquisite works of art but demonstrate a fine level of detail about life in that era. Bring back the ancient times as you witness an eagle hunter on a horseback, galloping at full speed with an eagle on his/her arm in the background of the rugged Altai Mountains and picturesque Sagsai river. Partake in this exclusive tour for an unparalleled experience and learn how Shinto Joined Buddhism with a local resident Shinto Priest. Or journey along the Karakoram highway, visiting nomads.

The opportunities await you. As the largest and most populated continent on earth, Asia, is a center, cradle and catalyst of civilizations dating from ancient times to this very day. The continent is a rich treasure to discover, holding the birthplace of ancient empires, religions, and modern economic models. To people from all backgrounds, Asia has always offered something to be discovered.